Many papers have been written on it and has spread, especially those who speak a few days to delivery, more so. 网上许多论文是已经写好了并已经流传开来的,特别是那些说几天之内就能交稿的,更是这样。
However, a woman with HIV can spread the virus that causes AIDS to her child during pregnancy, delivery or through breastfeeding. 不过,一名患有艾滋病的女子可以传播病毒给她的孩子,当她的孩子在妊娠,分娩或通过母乳喂养。
The spread between heating oil contracts for October and December delivery suddenly widened 28 per cent in the six minutes after 3:38pm, when trading is normally slow. 在当天下午3:38分开始的6分钟内(通常交易清淡),10月与12月交割的取暖油合约之间的价差突然扩大了28%。
It can also be spread from mother to baby during delivery. 也可蔓延,从母亲到婴儿分娩。
On the other hand, the spread of visual delivery designing which based on Internet is limited by the Internet technology. 同时,基于互联网络传播的视觉传达设计,又会受到互联网技术的制约。
Moreover, publications are a carrier for culture transmission, knowledge spread as well as information delivery and it is also an important part in the transformation from science and technology to productive forces. 出版物是传承文化、传播知识、传递信息的重要载体,是科学技术转化为生产力的重要环节。